Community Circle™

The Community Circle™ explainer video

Our unique multi-awards winning Community Circle™, through process and technology innovation, has earned communities’ acceptance, and at significant cost optimization compared with conventional practices. The implementation of the Community Circle™ has to date, lifted long-standing water advisories in nine Reserves in six First Nations in British Columbia, ( Lytton, Nickeyeah IR25, Spintlum IR3 and Yawaucht IR11) {2015, 2017}; Dzit’lain’li (MiddleRiver) IR9 {2018}; ʔaq̓am IR 1 {2019}; Hupačasath, Kleekhoot IR 2 {2020}; Siska Indian Band IR5B {2020}; Lhoosk’uz Dené Nation(Kluskus) IR 1 {2021}, and executed rapid design and implementation of emergency water treatment solution for community affected by Climate Change in Ontario, Zhiibaahaasing First Nation {2021}.

Read About the Community Projects

The Community Circle™ is built on Indigenous pedagogical and andragogical strategies (Talk Story) that utilizes Elders’ knowledge passed down from previous generations’ dialogue with listeners to build collective understanding, allowing participants from diverse knowledge systems, to contextualize theory with their life experiences to build group consciousness.  The Community Circle™ is built on an obligation rooted in norms of critical engagement that are constitutive of scientific inquiry.

In Community Circle™, we build a team around the community's needs. In this collaborative culture, the community is at the team's center, with all partners from different organizations and functions; everyone is close to the community at all levels. We are not using technology as a replacement for understanding the community's needs. We have already worked hard to build that culture of sharing insights and data across all functions and organizations. Instead, we bring technology to augment those abilities.

Different elements of Community Circle have been captured in these videos:

Watch more of our project videos on our YouTube channel